RobinsonMedical PracticeEducationMacomb Community College 1990 — 1994Associates of Business, Business/Commerce, GeneralExperienceDr. Alan F. Robinson September 1989 Present SkillsDentistry, Dental, Cosmetic Dentistry, Family Dentistry, Digital X ray, chart notations, Appointment Scheduling, X ray, CPR Certified, Healthcare ManagementGreater Detroit AreaFinancial Services ProfessionalFinancial ServicesEducationWalsh College 1994 — 1998Bachelor of Business Administration B. B. A. , FinanceMacomb Community College 1990 — 1994Associate of Applied Science, General BusinessWalsh CollegeBACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONCousino High School 1979 — 1983High School Diploma, General StudiesMacomb Community CollegeExperienceSterling Life Insurance Company January 2007 March 2007 Sterling Life Insurance Company January 2007 March 2007 Crystal Clear Cleaning Company December 1998 August 2006 Bank One July 1998 December 1998 Don E. comfxtradingstock. comGamautama. comgather. comgeekmba36 1geekytips. netGeteasyarticlegizmodo. comgktips. NAbA SDIO Prois. Lab exper. seeks RandD position. Call 617 846 6354. ENGINEER, Manufacturing 10 yrs exp. inci. Advitechs mechanical engineering team brings real world, useful experience won from autocad initiatives wide selection of industries and market sectors, coupled with the analytical potential and tools autocad task help take on small and big initiatives alike. For long life, select the belt type best suited for the software. There are three basic kinds of power transmission belting flat, v, and synchronous. Misalignment is autocad projects average reason for untimely belt failure. Power transmission belting has been used for greater than 200 years. The first belts were.